A Detailed Guide To Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition which can be referred to as a chronic mood disorder that involves an individual having extreme shifts in mood, behavior and energy levels. These changes can last up to hours, days, or weeks and cause difficulty in carrying out daily activities. Bipolar disorder involves being emotionally high (mania or hypomania) and emotionally low (depression). The good news is that the symptoms can be controlled with therapy, talk therapy, and routine/lifestyle changes.


Bipolar disorder consists of:

Manic Episodes

Mania is a state in which you have a period of unusually enhanced or irritable mood. This is an out-of-the-ordinary condition that can cause high levels of mental and physical activities, plus changes in behavior, emotions, and energy levels. Some specific types of bipolar disorders such as bipolar II disorder involve hypomania. This is an acute form of mania. The duration is also less than a manic episode and can be managed better. Symptoms of manic episodes may include:

  • Boost in energy and activity
  • Feeling restless
  • Sudden shift in mood – experiencing an elated mood
  • Overthinking or being talkative
  • Extreme irritability
  • Concentration issues
  • Aggressive behaviors
  • Being in denial

Depressive Episodes

The other sign of bipolar disorder is experiencing a depressive episode. During this a person has a low mood and feels no interest in the daily activities and things that one would find pleasure in. Symptoms of depressive episodes may include:

  • Feeling tired and low
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Changes in appetite
  • Slow or having difficulty in completing simple tasks or chores
  • Feeling worthless or hopeless


Bipolar I Disorder

This type involves having a single or multiple episodes of mania. Individuals with bipolar I disorder usually have both mania and depression symptoms; however, depression is not a definite criterion for the diagnosis of this type. The depressive episodes typically last around two weeks. While manic episodes last at least a week and are severe in nature medical help is needed.

Bipolar II Disorder

In this type of bipolar disorder, there are depressive symptoms and hypomanic episodes seen in an individual. Hypomania has less intense symptoms – a full manic episode is not experienced in this type of disorder. Bipolar II disorder is often more incumbering than bipolar I disorder due to depressive symptoms being more frequently seen than in bipolar II.

Cyclothymic Disorder (Cyclothymia)

This type is known as a cyclothymic disorder – where an individual experiences recurrently unstable mood. Hypomania and acute depressive symptoms are seen which last up to at least two years. An individual may have a normal mood at times, but these are short-lived.

Other Specified And Unspecified Bipolar And Related Disorders

This type is a diagnosis for individuals who do not have the symptoms of bipolar I, II or cyclothymia yet go through stages of clinically diagnosed abnormal mood elevation.


It has been found that people who have a close biological relation who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder can develop this condition. However, it does not mean that one can definitely develop it. Apart from genetics, other causes of bipolar disorder may include:

An imbalance in neurotransmitters or hormones impacts brain chemistry.

Traumatic life events cases of abuse, and extreme stress can trigger and develop the symptoms of this disorder.


This is a condition that requires professional medical help with ongoing treatment that can reduce the severity of the episodes. However, there are certain triggers that one can manage for the person close to them, such as reducing stress, sleeping and waking up on time, and avoiding the use of substances. Triggers and reactions to it may vary from person to person.


While there is no cure for bipolar disorder, its symptoms and severity can be managed, especially with time. Get the best possible help from our psychiatrists who provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment so that you can improve and feel better.

Book an appointment with us today or contact us at any time of the day for psychiatric emergencies.