Psych Consultants

A Detailed Guide To Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that is triggered by a stressful, painful or startling event or a series of events. A person experiencing PTSD may recall the traumatic experience, through flashbacks or nightmares, which may cause difficulty in daily activities.


Acute Stress Disorder:

This is a short-term mental health illness that can happen soon after going through a traumatic event— the symptoms lasting longer than a month account for PTSD.

Complex PTSD (CPTSD):

This is a type of disorder that an individual can develop after experiencing long-term trauma. This type of chronic trauma may involve physical or sexual abuse long-term abuse, trauma during childhood, long-term domestic violence and engagement in war. People with CPTSD typically have PTSD symptoms in addition to wide self problems, and have a hard time dealing with emotions and relationship issues.


  • Serious accidents, like a car accident.
  • Severe injury or sudden illness.
  • War and military combat
  • Occurrence of natural disasters
  • Physical abuse or verbal abuse
  • Sexual assault or abuse
  • Bullying
  • Sudden death of a close one


There are four classifications of PTSD, Symptoms of PTSD fall into the following four categories. Specific symptoms can vary in severity.


Disturbing, intrusive thoughts such as recurrent, involuntary memories, stressful dreams or flashbacks of the traumatic experience. The flashbacks can be intense such that the person may feel like they are going through it again.


Avoiding people, places, objects etc., which may be linked to the traumatic event or cause the disturbing memories to stir up. This involves trying not to think about or dodging the memories of the incident. A person may also be hesitant to discuss what happened or how they feel about the situation.

Alterations In Cognition And Mood:

People may find it hard to remember crucial parts of the traumatic event, and negative thoughts and feelings that lead to continuing and inaccurate beliefs about oneself or others, unclear thoughts about the origin or consequences of the event which may open up self-blame thoughts; constant fear, dismay, rage, guilt or shame; losing interest in once pleasurable activities; feeling detached or separated from others; or finding it difficult to experience positive emotions.

Alterations In Arousal And Reactivity:

Arousal and reactive symptoms involve feeling irritated and having anger explosions; behaving irresponsibly or in a self-destructive way; being overly observant of one’s environments in a doubting way; being easily frightened; or experiencing issues with sleep and concentration.


A traumatic experience, such as those mentioned above cannot be prevented in most cases. However, the stress or negative feelings derived from it can be managed and eventually disappear completely.

  • Share your feelings or thoughts with your close ones such as family and friends.
  • Adopting a positive approach and surrounding yourself with people who encourage you.
  • Incorporating a healthy coping strategy.
  • Allowing yourself to react and respond normally in the face of fear.


PTSD is a common mental health disorder and the good news is that it can be treated. The most effective form of treatment is psychotherapy or talk therapy. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the most frequent types of psychotherapies that is used for patients with PTSD. Other methods include eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, group therapy,

Dealing with a traumatic event and choosing healthy coping strategies can help you improve. It is highly recommended to talk to a healthcare professional, such as at Psych Consultants. Talking therapy can significantly help you get better, and manage your PTSD symptoms. Our team of our top psychologists and psychiatrists will assist you with your PTSD and help you recover in no time!