Psych Consultants

Taking care of your children’s emotional intelligence by avoiding these common questions

Parents play a significant role in their children’s lives. From a young age, kids observe and imitate their parents – this includes the type of language used, the tone and gestures used.

Emotional intelligence refers to being able to manage and regulate your own emotions while also understanding the emotions of other people, especially the ones close to you.

The five characteristics of emotional intelligence consists of:

  • Empathy
  • Self-regulation
  • Self-awareness
  • Motivation
  • Social skills

As a parent, it is their responsibility to take care of their children’s emotional intelligence so that they grow up to be empathetic towards others and themselves.

In this blog, we will discuss the impact of certain phrases and sentences that are used commonly by parents and how they can negatively affect a child. We will also highlight – what to say to replace these sentences, in order to promote a positive and healthy learning environment for them. Moreover, how to deal with a child who is suffering from a neurological condition.

Why can’t you be more like ‘xyx’?

Comparing your kids to other kids of the same age is one of the most afflicting things a parents can do. This lowers self-confidence and demotivates them in a way that they feel worthless. Some positive phrases and sentences that you could use in order to motivate them may go like ‘I would wish for you to succeed in life by doing xyz’ or giving them a choice, such as saying ‘I would like you to excel at what you love to do’ or by giving them assurance by saying ‘I support you in your decisions, you can discuss anything with me’. This builds a trustworthy and healthy relationship with a kid where he/she can easily reach out to the parent, even if they have done something wrong.

Do you know how many sacrifices we have made for you?

This is a common line used by parents as a way to remind their children of all the sacrifices and thigs they have done for them, as a way to guilt trip them. This is an unhealthy way of showing your emotions; you are teaching your children that kindness or just fulfilling your responsibilities are a big deal or something that needs to be repaid.

To make things clear, a children should always treat their parents with kindness, respect and take care of them as they have done for them. However, in every argument they should not be reminded or yelled at for these things.

Instead, if a child is being rude, a parent can see where it is coming from and teach them with respect and in a calm manner so that they can learn accordingly.

Why can’t do you do ‘xyz’?

If you are child is slacking off – be it with their studies or normal daily tasks, instead of saying “why can’t you do this and that” you can politely ask them if there is something that is bothering them. If their grades are low, you can ask them which part of their studies is difficult for them.

This way, you can provide solutions or plan accordingly how to deal with it. in order to ensure better grades in the future. A child may also feel motivated to do better once he/she feels supported in doing so.

How to deal with a kid suffering from a neurological disorder?

A child suffering from a neurological disorder can be due to a variety of reasons. It is best to seek professional help as a neurology expert may guide you better as to what to do.

As a parent, one should make sure that they teach their children that it is absolutely okay to ask for help – be it their parents or class fellows at school/college.

Make sure they take medication on time – if they are prescribed one and most importantly, make them feel as their illness is not something to be ashamed of. If they are having a hard time, they can come to you. Some common neurological illnesses that a child may experience include:

  • Autism
  • Brain malformations
  • Epilepsy or seizures

If your child or anyone you know is experiencing symptoms of a neurological disorder, then you can book an appointment with us. At Psych Consultants, we have the best neurologists with us who have an experience in dealing with different neurological diseases and conditions. Book an appointment today or contact us.